Project Summary
New Year’s is our favorite holiday. A brand new year and a brand new excuse for exploring, playing and drawing.

2019 New Year Card
How a simple photo series to chronicle the year became a metaphor for the creative process.
The idea started with a back-lit image of a Japanese maple tree canopy glowing with fall colors in September, 2017. We decided to visit this tree every few months to capture the colors of the season and a year of budding, blooming, rising and falling. If I could stand in the same place each visit, I could document the tree’s stage at each season.

2018 New Year Card
This year we’re seeing connections and connectors all around us from branching fractal patterns on trees, the beach and Mars; plus hubs and spokes in roots, cities, and neurons.

2017 New Year Card
We’re always looking for what’s new and this year we sketched up some of our favorite discoveries to share with you.

2016 New Year Card
Since it’s a year of monkey business, we followed our new monkey friend, Kendi, to make some wonderful discoveries. See what she found.

2015 New Year Card
So many amazing things were found in 2015. We picked our favorites and created an interactive New Year’s greeting card to celebrate.

2014 New Year Card
The world is full of creative and unusual ways to celebrate the turning of the calendar. And what better way to show off 14 New Year’s traditions than presented on the 14-point antlers of an elk?

2013 New Year Card
The natural world is completely interconnected. The New Year is a great time to appreciate nature and our responsibility as stewards of its amazing resources.
Vertetude Instagram
And lunch is our favorite meal. We get so excited about gathering around the table, we end up taking pictures of our food and it quickly becomes another creative project.
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